Sep 20, 2006

The saibaba colony!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Are off to the alps!!!!!!!!!!!!..
Dont get too excited...the header says it all....we just planned to meet up at alps after a long time....a reunion of friends...lotta people turned,govind,shrey,et(hottie),shivram,ashish,lakshman,ashwin,surya,bharat,chandrasekar,swathish,vasanth,vineeth, and kb. the place was crowded..IF one already knows the size of the place one would appreciate how compact the place was.....i mean we took up the entire place....the guy at the machine was surprised....all this for a softie each!!!!!!!!!!!!....we talked about each others college antics......made fun of et the hottie!!... and then went and stood outside as a gang just to be chased by a police officer!!!!...we then split up and once gain met at ashish's place...there too it was crowded.!!!!!!....after much chitchat..i finally asked ashish to play his did he rock!!!....he sang one of the greatest songs of oasis!! was gr8 man!!...then it was time to say asta la vista...jolly good time...........

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

umm wat abt d police thingy ?????? :D