Sep 10, 2006

A tribute to Steve Irwin

A LIFE-long friend of Steve Irwin today told how the Crocodile Hunter pulled a deadly stingray barb from his own chest before losing consciousness and dying.

Friend John Stainton said he had viewed footage of his friend's last moments and the images were "shocking".

"It's a very hard thing to watch because you're actually witnessing somebody die ... and it's terrible," he said.

"It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone.

"That was it. The cameraman had to shut down."

The great man died in a freak accident which made people all over the world cry.....


Jim & Jonna said...

Very sad indeed. But at least the world have been able to learn quite a lot during his time as "entertainer" and educator. At least thats how I view it. Ciao! :)

Anonymous said...

He was my idle, my insperation, my reason, and now he is still not gone. Yes he may be gone in phisics but in the heart he is still entertaining and educating. It was a very sad thing to witness, yes it was, but we must make sure that we still let the Crocodile Hunter live on. I miss him as much as the next guy. It is very hard to let go so don't let him live on. Just make sure you learned the lesson. Thats the way God wanted it. And Im sure Steven Is happy, Entertaining people up there in the big blue sky!