Jun 2, 2009

Eyes Wide Shut

I'm in a state where I don't know whether I'm bored or happy with my holidays now.

I needed change. So I did all this new shit during the holidays. Looks like I've been doing the same different things everyday. :|

Studying the evolution of tamil swearwords with a friend is a change from the ordinary, no?

Or not having Jay Leno for the tonight show, or Nadal not being in the final 8.

I can't wait for college to reopen, though it promises to be the worst semester ever.


Asmita Nandedkar said...

Jay Leno :(. I know this feeling about holidays. The max holidays I can take is 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

WHY do you do this to me?! :(

Can you not be human and give me the pleasure of taunting you with MY holidays? :(

JUST when mine start, you have to go and get bored with yours and WANT college. :| HMPF to you.

Sharanya said...

@ Suraksha:

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went back to your blog yesterday and realized how much you've neglected it *scowls* PLEASE WRITE!

Sharan, have you watched Eyes Wide Shut? I REALLYYY want to watch it. How is it?

Anonymous said...

Why would 7th sem be the worst?

Ryan said...


Ha ha! Good to see you back anyhoo!


No not yet. Kubrick's film. gotta be weird.


If you knew my time table and the my staff for the next semester you wouldn't be asking me that.

Hari said...

:( just heard about the timetable..
feels like truck loadsa bullshit hit the fan..

Nithya said...

enna no free hours a ? :D :D :D Naaaeeesss !

Ryan said...

That would be precisely what it is.

Go to hell.

Aditya said...


I can't see why it's not classified as porn, though like all Kubrick films, the essence sinks in ages later :D