Jun 9, 2009

If your muscles feel like they're on fire, it means that it's working

Sometimes pain can be a good thing.


Nithya said...

Firshtu comment :D
Alpa sandhosham :d

harshni said...

idhu kamal haasan radio mirichila sonadhu!!! copyright infringement!!!

Hari said...

yep.. pain so can be..

Sharanya said...

I'm a self-proclaimed masochist so I know exactly what you're talking about. Pain is GOOD!

Tina Nandi said...

i agree.

harshni said...

ah! never thought i'd see the day when sharan and sharanya would agree with each other after that verbal volleying in the previous guys!!!

Ryan said...

Nithya, cheap thrills :D

Harsha, He said that? I didn't know :)

Hari, Remember that midnight ulcer of yours :P

Sharanya, Freak. :P

Tina, Sane freak. :P (Yea don't get worked up, I'm one too ;) )