Feb 6, 2010


It was a really jolly good day at the office, wusn't it? I'm so happy that I don't mind using british slang.

Love how things worked out, everything falling into place and all. Minor glitches here and there, which hopefully will be corrected in the future. Anyway I guess we've set something of a standard.

Lots of tagworthy statements and events. :P Which will come out starting tomorrow, I guess.

Brilliant show people, I'm not gonna mention everyone Arun mentioned again. Not at this hour anyway. You know I'm talking about you anyway. :)

My last Open with ASQ. Sigh.


subbulakshmistoned said...

brit For The Win.
I don't understand anything else.

Venki said...

looks like your post is alive and kicking big time.. its been a while..how are you doing?

Ryan said...

Hey, yea long time. I'm really good. and you?