Jun 10, 2010

The leak in the dike

Ask me if I am a tree.
Mixed fruit jam, Pudhina and Lime.
England, all the way.
I will learn to play Bass, if it's the last thing I do.
Yippi-ki-yay motherf**ker!
With a heart-attack and heartbreak, a broken wrestler stands at the top of the third rope waiting to land his finishing move which will probably kill him too, with tears down his face and no one to love.
And I thought I had problems.
Pray for solace. Pray for resolve.
Pray for the saviour. Pray for deliverance.

A little hole forms in the dike and water starts to flow. Where is the little boy who'll put his finger in the hole before everything drowns?


Ashmur said...

Nice da :) Never knew you were such a big England fan. I like their team but hate their media and the hooligans (their fans). Emotionally its Brazil for me :)

Ryan said...

England fans madri oru support yaarum thara mudiyaadhu da. :D England ftw. Brazil laam poachu.