Today I experienced the joy of finding a quarter in the folds of my backpack. I had 7 quarters and I needed $2.25 to get on the train to the airport in Chicago. I also had $20 but the machine wouldn't tender change, a woman said. I rummaged in my bag and pulled out this quarter while looking for something else. I thought I could make up the remaining 25 cents I needed with dimes and nickels. Well what do you know, I had two dollars and twenty three cents. I really didn't want to waste twenty dollars so I went out looking for change. A man tried to sell me his transfer for 2 bucks but I had no useo for a transfer if I couldn't get on the platform. I asked this random guy at the corner of the street if he had change for a twenty or a quarter. He gave me a quarter with out questioning, bless him. It had just started raining. The jingle of the nine quarters in my pocket sounded like sweet music to my ears. I got out of the night streets of Chicago and got on the metro, putting in exactly $2.25 through the turnstile. The twenty lives to fight another day.
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