Sep 30, 2006

Musings of a meandering mind

I just stared at my blank screen with its white blinking pointing in my programming lab class today when I was supposed to be doing dos commands. Actually it was just a few commands so I had finished them. Unfortunately many of my friends were on leave today. All hostelites returned home...ahh! home sweet home!. I started thinking about home. Then one lead to another(as it often does in many a case and in one such case I happened to be caught) and my mind took an altogether new route. Yet again it preferred to travel along the much beaten path which lead to the still-unsolved debate of God's existence. Then a song came to my mind. It goes...
"As the guards march me out to the courtyard ,
Somebody cries from a cell" God be with you",
If there's a God then why has he let me die."
Now that is one good point which needs hell of a lot of solid proof to disprove. Ironically it was sung by a punk metal band. LOL. Yet again paths switched. This time it rested on a movie I recently saw. SAW II. Now here we have something interesting. A guy kidnaps people, puts them in traps meant to kill, then asks them to escape as if in a game, and in the process they kill themselves but he gets away with it as he did not kill them. For all this he justifies by saying "Some people are so ungrateful to live....". Ruthless he may be but these words triggered some dormant part of my grey matter. I realised that it was true in most cases. Most people don't look at what they have but aim for what they don't have. Such people thus knowingly or unknowingly make themselves baits for the jigsaw killer. Yeah that's about it. My fingers have wandered enough or my mind has rather ordered then to rest. Whatever be the case, let God and the jigsaw killer rest. If ever there is a God let him be. That's my attitude. Like it or leave it. DOn't ever mess with it. ciao folks!

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