Oct 31, 2006

Internals make my internals squirm!

Three days is all it takes to get over. But the feeling you get after it is past and you've done well is one of immense relief. Last minute(not literally) xeroxing(is that a verb?), last minute cramming, the look of a war hero on the face after coming out are all the things associated with a person who is in the "INTERNAL-WEEK". All questions of results apart, the very termination of the internals brings out almoghty sighs of relief from everyone. People in various states of tension, happiness, joy, sorrow, indifference and what not can be seen treading dust. Pens and pencils streak across the paper at speeds never before seen! Frantic hands pick up scales and then realise that their owner forgot to bring a pencil. Improvisation is the need of the day. Pens substitute pencils and make a ghastly drawing ghastlier! The glances of teachers creeping up from behind annoys one to the maximum. It is not as if one is writing a plan to bring down the college or something. Belief is something a teacher can never have, at least not 100%. Internals are hardly treated as something very serious but it does cause jitters however. From the moment the question paper is given till the moment the paper is taken away, it is one boring task. I really get surprised sometimes by some people(not boys!!It's called discretion people!!!) who get extra sheets to write. By extra I mean more than necessary just to write really long answers in a big drawling handwriting. But most often the answer required is a precise one. Thank heavens I did really well in these internals.

One can only wonder what the examiners think of achieving by conducting internals. If it is something different from the externals, it can be understood. But the same pattern is followed which does not make sense to me. Is it just my screwed up mind or is it really a messed up system? I think it is the system.(obviously!!) Innovation keeps a person alive with exuberance. Monotony sucks. That is the blatant truth. My vote is for scrapping the present way of conducting internals and thinking of something better. That is left to them.

Are you pondering what I'm pondering??


Drama Queen said...

huh, totally agree! Not only internals but exams, on the whole suck. I only know too well, Standard 10 and all...

F*** the system. F*** NCERT. F*** CBSE.

(btw, it's my first time here, and you have a great blog and a cool layout too!)

Ryan said...

thanks for visiting....

its already totally fucked up what with so many of us f$#%in it.. :p