May 24, 2007

The unspoken words...

Well quite a lot of interesting people seemed to have been born on july the 18th. See here.

As a matter of fact I was born then too. I did not have too dramatic an entry into this world I should say. I just existed. A form with a name. But my existence was justified by the fact that I satisfied one person's continual demands. He was one weird guy. He wanted me to be the way he liked. Talk about control freaks!!

But no matter what he kept talking to me. At times I was his only companion.
We had a special bond. He gave me life you see. We grew up together. Had fun together. He gave me an identity. He never left me alone for a long time continuously. Even if he did his friends never left me.

I've come a long way from there. I've turned 75 now. In my teens I must say. Here's for all the times we've had together.

Cheers ,
An Idle Mind

Yay! My blog shares Priyanka Chopra's birthday!! Little world ain't it??

P.S : One year of college just ended. Happy times. I leave you with one of the most serene spots in my campus. The one near the IM canteen where there's food on one side and ducks on the other.


Priya Iyer said...

yay! first comment! congratulations! way to go!:-)

Nithya said...

dearest Idle Mind
you definitely haven't been the devil's workshop (even though 'your master' is one biiiiiiiiiiiig wicked monstrous devil :D)
you have been one biiiiig source of entertainment for me :) I've had looooaaadsa fun scribbling comments 'on you'..
you are a teenager now..that doesn't mean ur master will let loose ur rein :D he'll continue being a hard task master...if he isn't one, then lemme kno, i'll constantly nag him and make him write down posts to help u stay alive :)
Great going :) i didn't miss ur teenage birthday thingy after all :)

Nithya said...

let loose the rein*