Jan 29, 2008

Like a flowing river??

One of those days when I feel like I wanna melt cheese in the swiss alps with a st.bernard eagerly awaiting the end result. I want out. Things spiralling out of control. Why? Not because I'm sick and tired. But because everything I wanna do shows up in front of me at the same time like a beaming kid with an open sac, wearing a dracula costume yelling "Trick or treat!!!". Times when sanity is tested. At times like this if you don't become insane for even a little while then you're a lune alright!

I've always wondered why things are what they are. Please don't read on if you expect profound philosophy. But if you're satisfied by mindless analysis done by 19 yr olds who make up stuff and call it profound philosophy, then be my guest. What would happen if what we knew and what we didn't know got interchanged? Chaos?? no. Because all people in this world don't know the same things. Our roles would merely get interchanged. (No wisecracks about people not knowing how to stand, eat , see, etc...)

Imagine a situation wherein you are asked to do something for the dumbest person ever, and he/she gets the credit for it. You would love to pound the crap out of her/him, but you can't and you have to look on as he/she ascend to new levels of crappiness. What would you do when you're forced to face that face day after day week after week? You'd break wouldn't you? Atleast for a while?? If your answer is no then you need help. Period.

The only solace is in knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Till then I'm trying to be comfortably numb. Crap-proof. I bounce crap right off. Now that would be a helluva invention. Crap-proof attire for the 19 yr old. I should preach someday. Seriously.

Row row row your boat...
Gently down the stream.
Bam poof kablow bang,
Tseeeew kapwing gleem.

Thank you for your patience. My period of temporary insanity is over. Elliptical curve cryptography here I come!



Nithya said...

naan solla vendithellam evening e un kitta solliyachu nu i think

Anonymous said...

hehe dude chill, crappy people will remain crappy no matter what they do.

Upasana said...

cute poem :)