Oct 4, 2008


This morning I woke to a power cut at 4 AM. And it lasted for 6 hours. I left midway through the 5th to college. Power cuts in the morning are such pains-in-the-ass. They totally cut in on my free download time. And they dont let me take my bath in peace. Now I know why people switch to solar heaters.

So I went to my bus stop, and as it turns out, the bus is late. And, in accordance with murphy's laws, the weather is hot too. I sweat like a pig. Man, sometimes I even outsweat pigs if I'm wearing my backpack. So this bus shows up twenty minutes late. Thankfully I get a seat by the window. :)
Window seat, check. Headphones, check. Yellow, check. Heart shaped box, check. etc...

I reach my stop and I get down. Mercilessly shoved down rather and I see it is drizzling. Bless you, it is drizzling. And I said to myself, "Murphy is right. Things become crappier before they around.". And then it got better. A porsche boxster waiting at the signal. Beautiful. :-*

The rest of the day passed. It was quite ok. Not at all as morbid as it foreboded to be. I end it with a cold black forest sundae with Hershey's chocolate sauce amidst hacks, coughs and wheezes from my two week old cold which just refuses to go away. Perhaps I should see my doctor. 

Or perhaps I should just down that cranberry juice carton whole.


Nithya said...

Yay ! You have become a window-seat person too :D Or were you always a window-seat person ? If you were always a window-seat person, then the next time we travel by bus together, you get the window seat. Because I always tend to sit by the window seat, not letting the other person sit there :|

Ryan said...

Nope, not a window seat person exactly. Just a seat person. Prefer sitting to standing in a crowded bus. Standing in an empty bus is ok.

Nithya said...

Go to the doctor :|

Anonymous said...

//Prefer sitting to standing in a crowded bus. Standing in an empty bus is ok.//
I second that!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah now you also know why we desperately need nuclear technology to produce power. ;)

Anonymous said...

"Or perhaps I should just down that cranberry juice carton whole."

I strongly recommend that