Nov 28, 2008


Have you ever been in a situation when you don't know what to tell people? The same question has different answers. Some questions are pointless, where the answer can do none good. Some questions hae answers, but people don't want to accept them. Some questions are better left unanswered. 

Questions are reserved for the people who deserve answers. You don't harry a Japanese chef who's just gotten out of a hostage situation with questions that make him uncomfortable, even though you're a journalist. And even though you pat them on the back and tell them you pray for them, they'd be better off if you didn't fucking put them on TV and label them Hostage #21. And don't ever tell them "We understand what you've been through.", because, face it, you don't.

And do you know that sometimes saying nothing is the best thing to do?  

Obviously Barkha, you don't.


Sharanya said...


Aravind said...

It's these journalists who exaggerated the Aarushi murder case. Now it's mumbai.
Yesterday news channels flashed that Nariman house is safe and people started crowding around it. Actually the operations were still going on!
News channels is a big nuisance!

Anonymous said...

Meh,Crap i say

bhavini said...
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bhavini said...

There were many times that I felt that she was crossing limits of insensitivity that even the terrorists can't be credited with. The terrorists came with a mission of absolute evil. She came there, among the others to report the situation on national television. I wonder whatever happened to that.

Nithya said...

Idiots these journalists are at times. No. These days, always.

News channels can get onto your nerves at times.

Vijay G S said...

Well said; Appreciated !

Anonymous said...

Almost all reporters were extremely bad mannered Period.

Upasana said...

don worry da.. we will live to see nithya create a revolution. she might throttle people eeevveenn more.. barkha ku poti da [:D]