Nov 14, 2008

World's shortest sad story, not taking into consideration ":(", or "Boo hoo"

"And just like that, she left."

-inspired by a conference chat.

P.S : Yesterday had the best moon in ages.

Did you know aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes? (no connection with the story whatsoever)


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the trivias!

Anonymous said...

Flash [non?]-fiction and all that. Whatay! :P

And did you know paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th? :-/

Anonymous said...

the moon , the day before was even more beautiful :D...

And yes, very sad story indeed.

Nithya said...

Who left sudden a yesterday ? Sharan(f) or Nithya ?

Tina Nandi said...

why should anybody be scared of palindromes. goodness. :)

Sharanya said...

I'm with Shrey actually; the moon day before was much more beautiful. But of course, its relative and all that.

I think both of us left suddenly :)

Ryan said...


Yes yes, flash non fiction it is. :D, of course you saw the part #2, or rather experienced it even. :D

relativity. Hmm

The same reason anyone would be afraid of cotton candy?!

@the other one,
Relativity it is.