Jan 26, 2009

The homecoming

Saarang '09.  Saa-rang Oh-nine. 

Douse me with cold water. Like now.

P.s : Sleep made me change this long post to a teaser.


Nithya said...

SHARANYAN THE RAVI !!! You raaack :D

Anonymous said...


Tina Nandi said...

Sounds like you had a LOT of fun! looking forward to reading more about it soon!

Sharanya said...

Pictures, I want pictures!

bhavini said...

Aowzum, da!

Cand zay yennithing else faar now.. am laast az to waat to write in my blog, ra.. it was aal so AWEZUM!!


Hari said...

whats with the tanglish?? :-/

bhavini said...

Ahh yes, the Tanglish. Nice word :) Enna da, don't you know? I was immersed in it for 8 days, that's what's with it! It's one thing not to understand Tamil and feel a bit bereft, specially when a. asking where places are and b. if a certain thing is edible, but it's another thing entirely to appreciate just how much we have made a foreign language our own. If not for anything else, the word 'awesome' will never be the same again, thanks to Nith and Ryan :)

Ryan said...


tanglish ees simblee suber no? :D