Mar 7, 2009

Ecstasy of gold

Update : Video uploaded :)

And check THIS out if you like short stories, from Ganja.

And happy women's day, women :P!

It started with Tyler Durden and "Alea Jacta est" And ended with "Verbal Kent" and "fin".

Oh yea, Kriya Open Quiz '09 went well alright! Awesomely well, save a few glitches here and there.
The ASQ is a wonderful unit to work with. Every one of them whom I worked with. Sunil, shaggy, Sexy boy, Ganja, E.T, Kai pulla, SRK, Quizzerman, Sammy, Legolas, Gobama and the others. It was awesome. Simply awesome.

Ecstasy of gold. Sums up how I feel now.

Satisfacion. What I had after three hours of editing. When Hetfield goes "Heeee-eeeeyy" in the middle or when Hammett goes insane towards the end, Ahhhh!

To Metallica and Quizzing,


Ashmur said...

The quiz was gr8 da. You guys have obviously done ur homework like Rangarajan sir said. Only trouble was that the prelims was too tough for an open quiz. Could have made it a bit easier. Otherwise it was a wonderful show. Hats off to u guys:)

Ganja said...

For the people who liked the Quiz- thanks a lot!
For those who didn't, please attend the M-Cube Open Quiz on March 22nd. We won't disappoint you, I swear!!

ram said...
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ram said...
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ram said...

hai "kerrang!" the video was really good ...but why serious would have been a perfect icing..even with a strong say from Murphy , team ASQ really rocked , too had a great time with all .....good to see ganjas still accompanying me @ 3 pm.

TO team ASQ , quizzing and finally to .....PUBLIC ENEMIES

Atulaa Krishnamurthy said...

i heard, great going :) wish i could've been there!

put up the cqc video! and very innovative scoring for the theme btw.

Sharanya said...

I thought you would've put up the video!

SHIVA said...

dude...i have the vid at home...anyways i told u how it was on stage itself...could have added tat i made it 2 the finals....konjam publicity aayirukkum enakku...he he he he he he.....anyways awesome vid and awesome quiz again da

Anonymous said...

Video! :D Goot stuff, I say!

Respectful Disagreement said...

checked out the quiz da.. good stuff.. kicking myself for not coming...