No, there's just something wrong with you. See, I agree with myself.
Elsewhere in my head : Every TV Show has that one guy or two says these kind of lines.
Dr. Cox: I love this moment so much, I want to have sex with it.
Dr. Cox: By the by, this moment is so great that I would cheat on that other moment with it, marry it, and raise a family of tiny little moments.
Dr. Kelso: If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can't schedule love.
Dr. Cox: I think your credit card statement would beg to differ.
Dr. Kelso: If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can't schedule love.
Dr. Cox: I think your credit card statement would beg to differ.
You may open your mouth wide in awe, in 3 2 1, now!
I actually pursed my mouth and the pursed lips became wider.
Make that a straight face then :P
OWNAGE! Like, forever and ever! :P
How? Or am I asking the magician that sacred, not-to-be-answered question?
DR. COX RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its ethylene!
isn't it?!?!
what bull, how is that evs though? i thought it was all about telling ppl about cfc's and global warming!
i haven't started on scrubs yet, sounds entertaining :)
I saw you staring at the window continuously for 5 min after receiving the one mark ques paper.. Ha! So it was this TV series that was running inside your head.. :)
sure.. at least you dont have to write the components of rain water harvesting or mention the functions of the state and central pollution control board.. best yet get your papers evaluated by a moron who thinks.. no no is very confident of the fact that savannah comes under the category of forests.. oh yeah its me.. :|
i can rmmr ross' line from season 10 for that.. TOW the cake.. refer..
Those have to be the funniest Iv read in a long while- Somehow c# provides very less for ones humour!
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