May 15, 2009

My Gran Torino

Father Janovich: [eulogizing Walt] Walt Kowalski once said to me that I knew nothing about life or death, because I was an over-educated, 27-year-old virgin who held the hand of superstitious old women and promised them eternity.
[the congregation chuckles politely and somberly]
Father Janovich: Walt definitely had no problem calling it like he saw it. But he was right. I knew really nothing about life or death, until I got to know Walt... and boy, did I learn.

Another reason why it pains me to see slumdog on the IMDB 250 list at where it stands, because Gran Torino deifinitely deserves to be higher than Slumdog. Take a bow, Mr.Eastwood, or should I say Walter 'Wally' Kowalski.


Sharanya said...

It is SO UNFAIR that you get to watch Clint whenever you feel like..bah. I NEED A FREE DOWNLOAD SYSTEM! ARRGHHH!!!!!

Nithya said...

You BETTER have this movie till the last week of July Sharanyan

Ashok said...

abshlutely sooper movie maan..

Atulaa Krishnamurthy said...

those asian people were first time actors, WHY doesn't clint come discover me or sth?!

i loooved the movie, cha.

Ryan said...

@CLT, Patience, child. :D

Aditya said...

Love the way he swears and calls everyone a 'Gook'.

And that trademark 'Pull out the gun, point it at someone, cock back the thumb and BAM'

Aditya said...

Favourite quote:
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have ****** with? That's me.