Mar 26, 2010

Tiger's a Cheetah!

As much as I admire his skill, I couldn't pass these up!

John Daly used a 20-year-old wedge at the Sony Open. --- It's nice to hear Tiger Woods isn't the only one using 20-year-olds.

Elin Woods was shocked to learn that she was pregnant. In a rage she called Tiger at the golf course. "You b*stard! You b*stard!" Elin screamed. "You got me pregnant." Tiger replied, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Who is this?"

There's a new Tiger Woods Computer on the market. It has a six inch hard drive and no memory.

According to reports, Tiger Woods has hired former President Bush's advisor Ari Fleischer to help him repair his image. Said Fleischer, “Compared to my last job, this will be easy. Tiger only f**ked a few waitresses, not the entire country.”

What's the difference between a Cadillac Escalade and a computer hard drive?-------- Tiger woods can back up a computer hard drive.

What does Tiger Woods have in common with baby seals?--- They both got clubbed by Scandinavians.

In a recent survey 1000 women were asked: "Would you sleep with Tiger Woods if you had a chance?" ------------------ Seventy Five percent said, "Never again."

Ping just offered Elin Woods an endorsement contract pushing her own set of drivers. They are said to be named Elin Woods…”clubs you can beat Tiger with.”
Gatorade has said that their decision to stop production of a Tiger Woods brand of Gatorade is unconnected to Tiger’s recent behavior. Although, it probably didn’t help that the slogan was: Is it in you?

What's the difference btween santa and tiger? Santa stops after 3 ho's.

The teacher asks “Who is the President of the United States?” Right before the boy answers another girl jumps up & yells “Barrack Obama.” “Very good, you may go out to recess.” The same thing happens 3 more times. The boy is aggravated & says to himself “Stupid b*tches couldn't keep their mouths shut! ” The teacher quickly turns around and asks “Who said that?” Another boy looks around jumps up & says “Tiger woods."

New Nike “TW” hat- $25..... New Nike Golf Shoes- $125..... New Cadillac Escalade- $60,000 .....New Nike Iron, wrapped around your head by jealous wife- PRICELESS ! !

(Courtesy a group on FB called "Introducing the "Tiger Woods Diet"Cheat all you want and lose everything!")Btw, I'm not exactly mortified by his overuse of his club. He IS human; one with poor control, however.

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