Apr 13, 2012

Just another morning.

At the airport I saw one of those TSA videos about the stuff they do and demo videos to guide people through the process. One of those videos made me snort, in the middle of a crowded queue at 5.30 AM in the morning, inviting quite a few looks. The video has a Sardar wearing an official's uniform directing an american fellow to go through the manual pat down process after the screen. The lengths they go to make videos 'politically correct' suggests the existence of the other scenario. Or I'm just very cynical at 5:30 in the morning.


Still Cheeky said...


Even though I've never been to Amreeka.

Should probably head there sometime just to make fun of everything and to be able to wear my coat again?

Legit reasons da.

Ryan said...

Urban dictionary defines 'totes' - "
A shorter more convenient form of the word: totally. This word is most commonly used by teenage girls."

Teenage girls. Seriously?

Perfectly legit reasons btw.